Feb 28, 2009

Apis Mellifica

Medicinally, bee venom is used in several diseases. In ancient times, it was used to treat insect bites and stings. Apis is especially useful in the illnesses caused by honeybee stings and like ailments. The typical pain of the Apis patient is fraught with burning and piercing sensation. Cold application relieves the pain while heat aggravates it. The symptoms usually begin on the right side and then spread to the left. The skin feels sore and cannot tolerate any pressure. Even the touch of cloth is unbearable. The patient feels intense heat in the blood and is relieved by exposure to the open air. He is worse for heat (feeling heat). Apis is very useful in every kind of inflammation and swelling aggravated by exposure to heat or heat application. This is the best remedy for Meningitis also. When used promptly, it also prevents the subsequent development of epilepsy whereas even if Meningitis is cured by conventional treatment, some long-term complications persist, one of which is
epilepsy. If cold, rather than warmth, worsens the symptoms, Apocynum should be used instead. In the later part of pregnancy, some women develop convulsions (Eclampsia). The general perception is that in such a condition, a patient gets relief from a hot bath. However, if the patient’s constitution is that of Apis, a hot bath leads to severe convulsions to the extent that due to constriction of the cervix, the baby can die in utero. If not treated immediately, the mother may also die. Similarly, small children, of Apis temperament, can also fall into a state of convulsions with a hot bath and these convulsions can result in their death. It is extremely important to know if the symptoms worsen with heat or cold. If heat aggravates the symptoms, Belladonna 1000 and Aconite 1000 should also be added to Apis and repeated 2 to 3 times within 15 minutes. If the condition is aggravated by cold, Mag Phos should be administered. Apocynum is the ideal remedy for a cool disposition and Apis, that of a hot disposition. If a child does not like to be covered but kicks the cloth off, this shows that he does not like heat. Apis Mellifica 72 The salient sign of Apis is that the affected area swells and throbs (as after a bee sting). Apocynum does not exhibit this feature. Sometimes, the swelling of Apis appears in the outer lining of the brain. Typically, the patient feels worse in the heat and feels severe throbbing. A young child cannot express himself and suddenly screams loudly. The doctor should take immediate notice of this sign and administer Apis. Apis also affects the membranous coverings of the heart, lungs and liver. In other words, it works mostly on the coverings rather than these organs themselves. Apocynum, like Apis, also affects the coverings. Both these remedies affect the secretory membranes of the abdomen like those of the intestines or kidneys, which filter the blood and produce urine. In both, the body swelling is soft and pits on pressure. In Apocynum, the swelling (Oedema) may become rather hard. The Apis patient with a kidney disease will show soft baggy swelling below the eyes. If along with this, the kidneys have a throbbing pain, or there is a sign of worsening of symptoms by heat, this is a clear indication of Apis. The affected eyes show severe swelling of the eyelids and Conjuctiva, along with bright redness, a piercing pain in the eye and aggravation of the symptoms by heat. Such a patient will not be able to open his eyes in bright sunlight. In Apis, some signs and symptoms manifest themselves on the right side. On hearing bad news or out of jealousy or sheer dislike, the right side of the body may be paralysed. However, the ailments of the eye and throat begin on the left side and then migrate to the right side (like Lachesis). In Apis, cold water gargles, instead of warm water, relieve the throat discomfort. In Apis, the abdomen (belly) becomes markedly distended with wind or gas, causing spasms below the ribs on the right side and then possibly on the left side also, like a vice. Pressure on the affected area of the belly relieves the discomfort. Apis is the sure-shot remedy if the symptoms aggravate with heat. Apis shows its beneficial effects in ten to fifteen days, however, it starts relieving the distension and spasm of the abdomen immediately after use. In an hour or two, the Apis Mellifica 73 effect is well evident. It works fairly fast in Meningitis, unless it is associated with Hydrocephalus. Apis will relieve the swelling of the membranes of Meningitis, but the cure of Hydrocephalus will not be achieved without Silicea, which is the correct treatment for this condition. Silicea should be started in small potency and then advanced steadily to very high potency. In abdominal distension, Apis gives immediate relief. However, in some chronic intestinal problems, it has to be used over a long period. As a matter of principle, in slowly progressive illnesses, the treatment will also be effective gradually, whereas, in sudden acute illnesses, the response to the medication is also prompt. In kidney disease, when Apis has to be used over a long period, this does not mean that the appearance of its beneficial effect will also take that long. If Apis starts working in kidney disease, the kidneys start forming urine within seven to ten days, which is a clear indication of its effect, although complete recovery will take time. In such a situation, the potency should be increased gradually with longer intervals in between. This way of administration is called rising potency and is described in detail in the chapter on Tuberculinum and Bacillinum. Adjutant: Natrum Mur Antidotes: Cantharis, Ipecac, Lachesis, Ledum, Natrum Mur Potency: 30 to 200