The Founder of HomeoePathy.
The Homoeopathy was invented by Dr. Samuel Hahneman 1755 /1843. He was an Alopathic Doctor. There is an interesting story behind the Invention of the Homoeopathic System. It is said that he failed to cure his Doughter, Suffering from typhoid. He begain thinking about the failure of his Alopathic. Once the Samuel Hahnemann was reading about remedie cinchona, which was used for curing malaria and to his surprise, he found that cinchona also caused malaria to people without the disease. He took a piece of cinchona bark and studied its effect. When he diluted the cinchona, he found that its therapeutic effect was better. This lead to the development of Homoeopathy and its classical approach. He derived the homoeopathic principle - Similia Similibus Curentur which translates to Like Cures Like.
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