Jan 28, 2010

Pregnancy & HomoeoPathic Medicines

Pregnancy & HomoeoPathic Medicines

Morning sickness in pregnant women can be treated safely with homoeopathic medicines

Morning sickness refers to the nausea and vomiting that some women have when they become pregnant. It is caused by the sudden increase in hormones during pregnancy.

At time when many changes are occurring in body, it is often very discouraging. Some women only feel this symptom only in the morning, but for some it lasts all day and is even at night. Discomfort usually eases off by the third or fourth month in most of women but just few cases it may last for full duration.

Morning sickness can be minimized by

•Eating small meals throughout the day
•Avoiding rich, fatty foods.
•Eating more carbohydrates such as baked potato, dry toast.
•Having saltine crackers and other bland foods when you feel nauseou

Homoeopathic medicine can be safely prescribed at time of pregnancy and it overcome different symptom during pregnancy.

Morning sickness can be treated effectively with Homoeopathic medicines.

Nux Vomica

It will be prescribed to those pregnant women who are irritable and have symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and constipation more marked in the Morning. That lady may have a constant pain and pressure which get aggravated after eating anything.


Common medicine prescribed for morning sickness. Pregnant woman will have a sensation of emptiness in stomach with nausea in morning Patient feel better from symptoms after eating.


It is given to those Women who have constant nausea, throughout the day not just in morning, even after vomiting nausea remains. Nausea get aggravated by motion.


When the woman absolutely can not bear sight or smell of food with severe nausea, colchicum is the remedy.

Symphoricarpus racemosa

This drug is highly recommended for vomiting in pregnancy.

There is marked aversion to all kind of food. Patient’s nausea vomiting gets aggravated by motion.

About Author
Dr Tabassum Patel (Homoeopath) Article Source